Descriptor Details

  • Historical Geology with Lab
  • Not Identified
  • 111
  • Not Identified
  • 4.0
  • Not Identified
  • Uploaded: 10/12/2017 04:43:58 PM PDT

An introduction to Earth’s history and the life it supports with a laboratory. Subjects include geologic dating, plate tectonics, stratigraphy, fossils, biological evolution, the planet’s origin and the processes that have influenced paleogeography during the past 4.6 billion years.

Many institutions offer historical geology and historical geology lab as a combined course, not as two separate courses. The DIG participants believe that it is best of have C-ID numbers for both possibilities so that colleges with combined lecture-lab courses do not get the impression that the lecture and lab components must be separate.


Introduction to Geology or Physical Geology

Historical Geology C-ID Historical Geology 110

The Historical Geology course must address all of the major categories listed below and at least 75% of the subtopics.

Plate Tectonics

  • Formation and Origin of the Earth
  • Driving Mechanisms
  • Plate Boundaries
  • Hot Spots
  • Crustal Evolution and Deformation
  • Supercontinent Cycle

Earth’s Materials

  • Minerals
  • Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
  • Rock Cycle


  • Modes of Formation
  • Classification
  • Ecology, Evolution and Extinction

Dating Methods

  • Geologic Time
  • Relative Dating
  • Absolute Dating


  • Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism
  • Interpretation of sedimentary rock sequences


  • Archaean, Proterozoic and Ediacaran geologic and tectonic events
  • Paleozoic geologic and tectonic events
  • Mesozoic geologic and tectonic events
  • Cenozoic geologic and tectonic events
  • Recent geologic and tectonic events

Laboratory Activities:

Historical Geology Laboratory C-ID Geology 110L

Laboratory Activities:  (must include at least 8 of the following activity topics)

  1. Basic introduction to identifying rocks and minerals
  2. Identify major groups of fossil organisms
  3. Examine modes of fossil preservation
  4. Constructing and interpreting cladograms
  5. Interpret geologic maps
  6. Interpret geologic cross sections
  7. Interpret stratigraphic columns
  8. Relative dating and interpreting sequences of geologic events
  9. Introduction to absolute dating
  10. Paleogeographic reconstructions
  11. Field Trips

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

1)   Explain and apply the principles of the scientific method

2)   Demonstrate and apply a fundamental understanding of concepts and principles of Historical Geology including:

  • Fossilization
  • The fossil record
  • Ecology, evolution and extinction
  • Plate tectonics
  • Geologic time and dating methods
  • The Supercontinent Cycle and paleoclimate

3)   Identify representative physical samples of fossils, rocks and minerals

4)   Explain and apply knowledge of tectonic processes to interpret geologic events throughout geologic time

5)   Interpret geologic maps, cross sections and stratigraphic columns

6)   Apply the principles of relative dating to interpret sequences of geologic events

7)   Communicate complex course concepts effectively in writing and diagrams

Shall include multiple measures of performance that may include, but are not limited to:

  • Quizzes
  • Exams
  • Written assignments
  • Research assignments
  • Lab reports and activities
  • Field trip reports

Earth System History (WH Freeman – Stanley)

The Earth Through Time (Wiley - Levin)

Historical Geology (Brooks Cole – Wicander and Monroe)

Visualizing Earth History (Wiley - Babcock)


Lab Manuals:

Historical Geology: Interpretations and Applications (Prentice Hall – Poort and Carlson)

Insights: A Laboratory Manual for Historical Geology (Kendall Hunt – Ossian)

Laboratory Studies in Earth History (McGraw Hill – Levin and Smith)

  • No
  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Many institutions offer historical geology and historical geology lab as a combined course, not as two separate courses. The DIG participants believe that it is best of have C-ID numbers for both possibilities so that colleges with combined lecture-lab courses do not get the impression that the lecture and lab components must be separate.

  • Not Identified

  • Original App year 2010