Descriptor Details

  • Social Work and Human Services Seminar (SWHS 120A)
  • Not Identified
  • 120A
  • Not Identified
  • Not Identified
  • 1.0
  • Not Identified
  • Uploaded: 2/26/2025 01:25:18 PM PST

This course provides the student who is participating in a supervised field experience in a community organization, agency, or institution with a weekly class meeting that provides the academic element to the experiential course offering.  The application of concepts gained in the prerequisite or corequisite course to the field experience will be emphasized. This course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to develop skills that would facilitate gaining employment in the human services field.

C-ID SWHS 110, C-ID PSY 110, or C-ID SOC 110

C-ID SWHS 120B (Fieldwork)


  1. The developmental journey of becoming a social worker or human services practitioner and the nature of social work and human services practice as a helping profession.
  2. Codes of Ethics (e.g., NASW or NOHS) and social justice principles.
  3. Legal context of social work practice/human services, and the role of supervision in the professional development journey.
  4. Resources and services that clients need and depend upon.
  5. Examination of the needs, interests, resources, values and opportunities of people who vary in terms of race, nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, spirituality, gender, age, abilities, economic status, or language.
  6. Exploring the progressive nature and skills of generalist practice.

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Identify and characterize the major components of social work and human services practice.
  2. Apply a basic Code of Ethics (e.g., NASW or NOHS) to field work experience.
  3. Reflect upon the application of ethical and professional standards to use of self within specific agency settings.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental legal guidelines, privacy and information management related to the standards of professional practice.
  5. Explain the purpose and skills of cultural engagement and humility (i.e., recognizing cultural competence, multiculturalism, and cross-cultural collaboration as areas for ongoing professional development).
  6. Demonstrate personal self-awareness, non-judgmental assessment and support capability, and readiness for professional development including feedback from supervision.

  • Class participation
  • Reflection paper

NASW Code of Ethics

NOHS Code of Ethics

Days in the Lives of Social Workers
Linda May Grobman

The Social Work Skills Workbook
Barry R. Cournoyer

The Human Services Internship: Getting the Most from Your Experience
Pamela Myers Kaiser

Elements of the Helping Process
Raymond Fox

The Social Work Ethics Casebook

Cases and Commentary (2nd edition)
Frederic G. Reamer

  • No
  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

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  • Not Identified