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Culinary Principles
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Uploaded: 2/26/2025 09:45:27 AM PST
Through a combination of lecture and lab sessions, students are introduced to fundamental culinary principles, techniques and operations. Students are introduced to and apply skills in product identification, ingredient handling, recipe costing, commercial recipe development, cooking fundamentals and professional standards of commercial kitchen operations.
- Pots and Pans
- Pots, Pans and Containers
- Measuring Devices
- Knives and Hand Tools
- Knife Skills
- Basic Cooking Principles
- Dry Cooking Methods
- Moist Cooking Methods
- Stocks
- Understanding Stock
- Definition of Stocks
- Judging Quality of Stocks
- Use of Stocks
- Ingredients in Stocks
- Bones
- Meat
- Water
- Mirepoix
- Acid Products
- Seasonings and Spices
- Procedures for Preparing Stocks
- Brown Stock
- White Stock
- Fish Fumet
- Sauces
- Understanding Sauces
- Functions of Sauces
- Judging Quality of Sauces
- Components of Sauces
- Liquids
- Thickening Agents
- Flavoring Agents
- Sauce Families
- Leading Sauces
- Small Sauces
- Soups
- Understanding Soup
- Definition of Soup
- Examples of Soups
- Classifications of Soups
- Service of Soups
- Clear Soups
- Thick Soups
- Cream Soups
- Puree Soups
- Bisques
- Chowders
- Specialty and National Soups
- Vegetables
- Color
- Flavor
- Texture
- Nutrition
- Cooking Vegetables
- Grains
- Types of Rice and Handling
- Other Grains Cooked Like Rice
- Cooking Rice and Other Grains
- Pastas
- Commercial Pasta
- Fresh Egg Pasta
- Shapes
- Cooking Pastas
- Salads
- Ingredients
- Parts
- Arrangements and Presentation
- Procedure to Prepare
- Combination Salads
- Salad Dressings
- Ingredients
- Emulsions
- Types
- Oil and Vinegar
- Mayonnaise
- Meat
- Principles of Low Heat Cooking
- Breaking Down Connective Tissue
- Other Factors Affecting Cooking Method Choice
- Searing and Sealing
- Doneness
- Cooking Methods
- Poultry
- Types of Poultry
- Maturity and Tenderness
- Light and Dark Meat
- Doneness
- Cooking Methods
- Fish
- Fish
- Composition and Structure
- Problems Cooking Fish
- Cooking Fish
- Shellfish
- Mollusks
- Crustaceans
- Cooking Shellfish
Kitchen Skills, Cooking, Sanitation, Operations
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
Develop, cost and evaluate the operational implications of recipes and comfortably operate in a commercial kitchen.
- Identify select ingredients, products, tools and equipment used in professional cooking
- Demonstrate how to use and clean common kitchen tools and equipment safely and efficiently
- Explain how cooking and food ingredients affect product outcome and apply this knowledge when producing menu selections
- Perform basic professional cooking techniques
- Prepare food products using specific cooking methods: roasting, grilling, sautéing, pan frying, steaming, boiling, simmering, poaching, and braising
- Prepare selections in each category: stocks, soups, mother sauces, green salads, salad dressings, pastas, grains, vegetables, and meat, fish and poultry selections
- Evaluate menu selections according to defined product standards
- Maintain a clean and sanitary workplace
- Work as a team member to achieve common goals/objectives
- Identify and practice professional kitchen work standards
Labs, Exams, Practicum, Projects (Team)
The Professional Chef, The Culinary Institute of America
On Cooking, Labensky
The Book of Yields, Lynch
Not Identified
Not Identified
Not Identified
Finalized July 5, 2016
Courses approved for C-ID descriptors marked with the suffix "X" might not be CSU transferrable.
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