Descriptor Details

  • Small Group Communication
  • Not Identified
  • 140
  • Not Identified
  • Not Identified
  • 3.0
  • Not Identified
  • Uploaded: 6/6/2022 10:19:23 PM PDT

Principles of communication in a variety of group contexts. Theory, application, and evaluation of group communication processes, including problem solving, conflict management, decision making, and leadership.




In small group settings, the course will devote substantial class time to preparation, practice, and participation in oral communication, including:

  1. Oral presentation
  2. Providing and receiving feedback about both the content and forms of communication.
  3. Organizing, evaluating, and reporting information
  4. Persuasion
  5. Effective listening
  6. Problem –solving communication skills
  7. Conflict management
  8. Decision making
  9. Communication and leadership
  10. Context, audience, and purposes of small-group communication: Dyads, small and large groups, public settings, and group dynamics and/or roles within groups.

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Exhibit effective problem-solving communication skills
  2. Demonstrate successful conflict-management strategies
  3. Engage in sound reasoning to reach a well-reasoned decision.
  4. Identify communication skills that contribute to effective leadership.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to discover, critically evaluate and accurately report information
  6. Organize presentations effectively
  7. Students will demonstrate ability to effectively prepare for and deliver presentations within small group settings.
  8. The psychological, social, and cultural basis and significance of oral communication as it occurs in dyads, small and large groups, and public settings.
  9. Explain the psychological, social, and cultural basis and significance of oral communication as it occurs in dyads, small and large groups, and public settings.
  10. Demonstrate effective listening skills in various settings.
  11. Adapt communication strategies to fit the audience and situation
  12. Present their views persuasively, in front of a live audience.

Quizzes and tests; papers; group and individual presentations.

Osborne. Small-Group Communication. (Latest edition.) College of the Canyons. (OER)

Granite State College. An Introduction to Group Communication. (Latest edition.) LibreTexts. (OER)

Rothwell, J.D. In Mixed Company. (Latest edition.) Oxford University Press.

Adams, K. and G. Galanes. Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills. (Latest edition.) McGraw-Hill.

  • No
  • Not Identified

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