C-ID Descriptor
Introduction to Social Work and Human Services

Descriptor Details

  • Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
  • Not Identified
  • 110
  • Not Identified
  • 3.0
  • 0000
  • Uploaded: 10/12/2017 04:44:19 PM PDT

An introductory overview of social welfare and the societal institutions in the U.S. that structure the provision of social services. The course presents a historical perspective on the development of U.S. social work and human services. Special attention is given to current service delivery systems, their policies and procedures, and the tasks of culturally responsive social workers and human service workers within those settings.


Eligibility for C-ID ENGL 100 (College Composition)

  1. Historical overview of social work, human services, and social welfare
  2. The evolution of social welfare institutions and programs in the United States
  3. Discussion of social policy analysis perspectives addressing social work and human services, and ‘filter’ this discussion through a lens that considers ethnicity, culture, class, age, religion, physical or cognitive abilities, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other potential targets of oppression
  4. Critical examination of legal system and major court decisions shaping social work and human services in the United States
  5. Detailed profile of the current social welfare, human services, and service delivery system environment in the United States
  6. Social work and human service practitioner roles and orientations in the current service delivery system environment
  7. Ethics, values and professional practice perspectives for social work and human service practitioner

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. discuss the historical evolution of social welfare and human services in the United States
  2. explain the current service delivery system environment in which social work and human service clients’ needs are addressed.
  3. demonstrate critical thinking in envisioning ways of collaborating, negotiating, and advocating in working with and within social welfare and human service agencies and institutions.
  4. identify and be able to uphold the legal, ethical, and professional practice responsibilities of working with social work and human service organizations with attention to cultural humility and oppressed groups.
  5. explain the services provided by a local social welfare agency (ideally associated with a visit to or volunteer experience).

Quizzes and/or exams

Critical analysis paper

Reflection paper

An introduction to the profession of social work: Becoming a change agent.

E.A. Segal, K.E. Gerdes, and S. Steiner

Days in the Lives of Social Workers
Linda May Grobman

Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People

Charles Zastrow

Social Work Fields of Practice: Historical Trends, Professional Issues, and Future Opportunities

Catherine N. Dulmus and Karen M. Sowers

An Introduction to Human Services 

Marianne Woodside and Tricia McClam

Introduction to Human Services 

Edward Neukrug

A Guide to Essential Human Services
Frederic G. Reamer

  • No
  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • 1st:10/18-11/21/16