C-ID Descriptor
Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology (With Lab)

Descriptor Details

  • Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology (With Lab)
  • Not Identified
  • 205
  • Lab and Lecture (B)
  • 4.0
  • Not Identified
  • Uploaded: 10/12/2017 04:44:13 PM PDT

This course surveys various psychological research methods with an emphasis on research design, experimental procedures, descriptive methods, instrumentation, and the collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of research data.  Research design and methodology will be examined through a review of research in a variety of the subdisciplines of psychology. In laboratory sessions students will conduct experimental and non-experimental research in a variety of areas of psychology.  Actual data collected from research conducted during laboratory sessions will be analyzed with statistical software.

Introductory Psychology (C-ID PSY 110)

Elementary Statistics (ANOVA included) (C-ID MATH 110 or C-ID SOCI 125)

English Composition (C-ID ENGL 100)

  1. Introduction
    1. Scientific and nonscientific approaches to knowledge
    2. Dependent and independent variables
    3. Validity and reliability
    4. Scientific method and its goals
    5. Causal and correlational relationships
    6. Samples and sampling methods
    7. Theoretical and operational definitions
    8. Selection of appropriate statistical tests (chi-square, correlation, t-tests, ANOVA)
    9. Evaluating peer-reviewed literature
    10. APA format
  2. Ethical Issues in the Conduct of Psychological Research
    1. APA ethical standards
    2. Risk/benefit ratio of research
    3. Use of deception in research
    4. Human and animal subject use
  3. Descriptive Methods — Observation and Survey Research
    1. Observational techniques and rationale
    2. Reactivity, demand characteristics, observer bias, expectancy effects, and other biases
    3. Theories, research questions, hypotheses
    4. Interpretation and limits of correlational data
    5. Levels of measurement
  4. Unobtrusive Measures of Behavior (physical trace methods, archival research methods, content analysis)
  5. Experimental Methods —
    1. Independent Group Designs
    2. Repeated Measures Designs
    3. Reasons to use and limitations of experimental methods
    4. Counterbalancing and practice effects
    5. Main effects and interaction effects using both table and graph methods
  6. Other Research Designs —
    1. Single-Case Research Design
    2. Quasi-Experimental Designs
  7. Program Evaluation
    1. Characteristics of true experiments and quasi-experiments

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

Research Methods in Psychology (Lecture)

  1. Explain the basic principles of the scientific method.
  2. Critically evaluate research reports.
  3. Synthesize a body of research findings.
  4. Develop testable hypotheses.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of general research designs, experimental and non-experimental methods, and standard research practices.
  6. Select appropriate research designs to test hypotheses.
  7. Explain the ethical treatment of human and animal participants in research and the institutional requirements for conducting research.
  8. Assess the generalizability of study results.
  9. Demonstrate proficiency in APA style

Laboratory Experiences

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Conduct scientific research in psychology.
  2. Conduct analyses of the data collected in this research using statistical software.
  3. Interpret the results of these analyses.
  4. Communicate these research findings using APA style.

In-class quizzes, paper assignments, and class participation

Quizzes, laboratory work, research paper in APA format, laboratory participation.

Smith, R.A. & Davis, S.  The Psychologist as Detective: An Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology Prentice Hall Inc.

Cozby, Methods in Behavioral Research

Elmes, D. G.,  Kantowitz, B. H., & Roediger,H. L. III Research Methods in Psychology Wadsworth Publishing

American Psychological Association (latest edition) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

  • No
  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • (other frequently used titles include Introduction to Psychological Methodology, Human Experimental Psychology, and Experimental Psychology)

  • Not Identified

  • psychology, research, lab, methods