C-ID Descriptor
Introduction to Programming Concepts and Methodologies

Descriptor Details

  • Introduction to Programming Concepts and Methodologies
  • Not Identified
  • 112
  • Not Identified
  • 3.0
  • Not Identified
  • Uploaded: 10/12/2017 04:44:03 PM PDT

This course must be taught using an object-oriented programming language. Its purpose is to expose students to the fundamental concepts of programming.


Basic knowledge of computer usage.  

  1. Software life-cycle including design, development, styles, documentation, testing and maintenance
  2. Procedural versus objected oriented programming
    1. Survey of current languages
  3. Program design tools and programming environments
  4. Documentation
  5. Coding conventions
  6. Data types, variables, expressions, sequential processing
  7. Arrays
    1. Declaring and allocating arrays
    2. Multiple-subscripted arrays
  8. Control structure
    1. Selective structures: if and switch
    2. Repetitive structures: loops
  9. Algorithms including simple sorting and searching
  10. File I/O
    1. Files and streams
    2. Sequential access files
  11. Error handling
  12. Passing parameters by value and by reference
  13. Principles of testing and designing test data

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Describe the software development life-cycle.
  2. Describe the principles of structured programming and be able to describe, design, implement, and test structured programs using currently accepted methodology.
  3. Explain what an algorithm is and its importance in computer programming;

Programming Projects
Class Presentations

Savitch, Walter: Problem Solving with C++ Latest Edition

Deitel, H.M. & Deitel, P.J. (2010). C++ : How to Program (paper) (7th ed.). [ISBN: 0136117260]

  • No
  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified