C-ID Descriptor
Environmental Chemistry

Descriptor Details

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Not Identified
  • 105
  • Not Identified
  • Not Identified
  • 3.0
  • Not Identified
  • Uploaded: 6/7/2022 09:42:46 AM PDT

This course presents the fundamentals of chemistry as applied to selected contemporary environmental topics concerning the atmosphere, water, solids, and green chemistry.

Elementary algebra or higher or eligibility for transfer-level mathematics


Reading proficiency in English

Chemistry Fundamentals:

  • Atoms and Chemical Bonding
  • Chemical Equations and Reactions
  • Solutions
  • Organic Chemistry (Hydrocarbons, Functional Groups, Natural and Synthetic Polymers)
  • Scientific method:  Benefits and Limitations

Environmental Topics:  Contemporary topics such as: 

  • Atmosphere: (Description of the atmosphere ozone hole, smog, Chemical reaction cycles, Chemistry of nitrogen compounds, chemistry of oxygen compounds. Role of the Sun’s radiation)
  • Water: (pH, metal and non metals (mercury and arsenic), organic pollutants, radioactivity in water, eutrophication)
  • Solids: particle formation and the role in of the particles in the atmosphere.

Green Chemistry: Solvents

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Apply scientific reasoning in contexts involving chemistry and the environment
  2. Use chemical theories, principles, and models, in conjunction with the scientific method, to analyze environmental phenomena involving chemistry and society
  3. Critique the benefits and limitations of applying the scientific method to problems in the analysis of environmental phenomena involving chemistry
  4. Explore contemporary environmental topics independently

Lab work
Written papers and/or reports

Environmental Chemistry, Collin Baird, W.H. Freeman

Environmental Chemistry, Manahan, CRC Press

Principles of Environmental Chemistry, Girard, Jones and Bartlett Publishers

Materials from the ACS Green Chemistry Institute (available on the web)

  • No
  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified