C-ID Descriptor
Criminal Court Process
Descriptor Details
Criminal Court Process
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Uploaded: 10/12/2017 04:43:52 PM PDT
This course provides an examination and analysis of due process in criminal proceedings from pre-arrest through trial and appeal utilizing statutory law and state and constitutional law precedents.
Stages of the criminal process
Sixth Amendment jurisprudence
Eighth Amendment jurisprudence
Fourteenth Amendment jurisprudence
May include:
Fourth Amendment jurisprudence
Fifth Amendment jurisprudence
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Identify and describe the stages in the trial process.
- Identify and critically analyze the concepts of due process as found in the 6th, 8th, and 14th amendments, including right to counsel, bail, jury trial, and due process.
- Describe the history and application of the exclusionary rule in shaping criminal procedure.
- Describe application of the right to counsel in a criminal case
- Describe application of the right to a jury trial
May include:
Critically analyze the constitutionality of searches, seizures, admissions and confessions.
Describe what constitutes an unreasonable search and seizure
Describe the Miranda decision and the privilege against self-incrimination
Objective and subjective examinations/quizzes
Case analysis
Homework assignments
In class exercises/presentations
Criminal Procedures, Samaha, 2015, 9th Ed.
Procedures in the Justice System, Roberson & Wallace, 2016, 11th Ed.
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Original App Date: 10/31/2010
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