C-ID Descriptor
Intercultural Communication

Descriptor Details

  • Intercultural Communication
  • Not Identified
  • 150
  • Not Identified
  • Not Identified
  • 3.0
  • Not Identified
  • Uploaded: 6/6/2022 10:39:00 PM PDT

Introduction to intercultural communication in domestic and/or global contexts.  Influence of cultures, languages, and social patterns on how members of groups relate among themselves and with members of different ethnic and cultural groups.  Theory and knowledge of effective communication within and between cultures.  Appreciation and comparison of communication among diverse groups within the larger context of American culture.



  1. Theories and principles of intercultural communication.
  2. Components of culture
    1. Worldview
    2. Core values/beliefs
    3. Norms and roles
    4. Assimilation, enculturation
    5. Ethics and morals
  3. Components of communication
    1. Language
    2. Nonverbal codes
    3. Perception
    4. Competencies
  4. Barriers to Intercultural communication
    1. Ethnocentrism
    2. Stereotyping
    3. Prejudice
    4. Discrimination
    5. Power
    6. Culture shock
    7. Racism
  5. Social and Psychological Variables
    1. high context/low context
    2. individualism/collectivism
    3. power distance
    4. the relationship between humans and nature
    5. similarities and differences in communication patterns

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Recognize and articulate how core values, worldview, and communication patterns shape cultural and individual identity.
  2. Identify the components of culture and communication and their interrelationship.
  3. Explain how culture influences verbal and nonverbal communication.
  4. Identify and explain the social and psychological variables of culture and its expression.
  5. Discuss the diverse ways of thinking, perceptions and interpretations.
  6. Compare and contrast intercultural communication strategies in various contexts.
  7. Recognize barriers to effective intercultural competencies such as stereotyping, prejudice, and ethnocentrism.
  8. Identify elements of common ground among diverse cultures.

Quizzes and examinations, projects, oral and written assignments, class participation, and other outside assignments.

Grothe. Exploring Intercultural Communication. (Latest edition.) LibreTexts. (OER).

Krumrey-Fulks. Intercultural Communication for the Community College. (Latest edition.) LibreTexts. (OER)

Godwin-Jones. Language and Culture in Context: A Primer on Intercultural Communication. LibreTexts. (OER)

Martin, J. and Nakayama, T. (latest edition). Experiencing Intercultural Communication: An Introduction.  McGraw-Hill

Samovar, L. and R. E. Porter. Intercultural Communication: A Reader. (Latest edition.) Cengage.

  • No
  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Communication, studies, Comms, intercultural