C-ID Descriptor
Environmental Geology

Descriptor Details

  • Environmental Geology
  • Environmental Geology with Lab GEOL 131
  • 130
  • Not Identified
  • 3.0
  • Not Identified
  • Uploaded: 10/12/2017 04:43:50 PM PDT

An introduction to the fundamentals of Environmental Geology including the interactions between and impacts of humans with the environment in a geologic context. Course emphasizes the Earth system and connections between the geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere.


The Environmental Geology course must address all of the major categories listed below and at least 75% of the subtopics.

Formation of the Earth and Plate Tectonics

  • Geologic Time and Earth History
  • Plate Tectonics
  • Geologic Structures

Earth Resources

  • Rocks and Minerals
  • Soils
  • Water
  • Energy
  • Human Impacts
    • Exploitation and Use
    • Population
    • Waste

Earth Systems

  • Rock Cycle
  • Carbon Cycle
  • Nitrogen Cycle
  • Water Cycle
  • Weather and Climate

Geologic Hazards

  • Mass Wasting
  • Flooding and Drought
  • Earthquakes
  • Tsunamis
  • Volcanoes
  • Pollution
  • Groundwater Quality and Subsidence
  • Extreme Weather
  • Climate Change
  • Sea Level Change


  • Optional Field Trip

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

1)   Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of concepts, principles and interactions of Earth’s systems including:

  • Hydrologic Cycle
  • Rock Cycle
  • Plate Tectonics
  • Geologic Hazards
  • Impacts of Energy and Resource Usage
  • Climate, Climate Change and the Greenhouse Effect
  • Connectivity between geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere

2)  Articulate how human activities impact the environment

3)  Recognize and understand how to mitigate geologic hazards

4)  Explain the Scientific Method

5)  Communicate complex course concepts effectively in writing and diagrams

Shall include multiple measures of performance that may include, but are not limited to:

  • Quizzes
  • Exams
  • Written Assignments
  • Research Assignments

Environmental Geology (McGraw-Hill - Montgomery)

Geology and the Environment (Brooks Cole – Pipkin, Trent, Hazlett and Bierman)

Introduction to Environmental Geology (Pearson – Keller)

  • No
  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Not Identified

  • Orig app year 2010